WhatsApp is bringing a new feature called 'Undo Delete' for users. Deleted messages can be retrieved through this feature. Google's Gmail also has such a feature. If you send a mail by mistake, you can 'undo' it within a certain period of time. Keeping that feature in mind, now WhatsApp is bringing such a feature.
There is no word on when this feature will arrive. But it is expected to be launched very soon. WhatsApp recently introduced three new privacy features. These are - leaving the group anonymously, controlling who can see online statuses, preventing others from taking screenshots of 'view once' messages. Recently, Mark Zuckerberg said, 'New steps are being taken to ensure how to keep your messages safe.
It is known that in the future, even if you are connected to WhatsApp, you will be able to hide your number. Although that will only apply to groups. For now only Android users will get the benefit of this feature.