Currently the most popular messaging platform in the world is WhatsApp. The Mater site is bringing updates one after another to improve the user experience. Recently, WhatsApp has introduced various features including increasing the power of group admins. Which has already won the hearts of customers very easily.This time WhatsApp is coming with several interesting features to improve the user experience. Recently they are working on a completely different feature. With the help of which users can send their own messages. That too without the help of a different number.
At the moment WhatsApp does not have any feature that allows users to send their own messages. But very soon such features are being added to the site. Sometimes we need to keep many important notes or information. But that is not always possible. If you are outside for a long time, it is more of a problem. Again, anyone cannot be sent. In this case it is very good to have a separate chatbook of your own.
From now on, you can directly write to yourself on WhatsApp and send the important matter to yourself. WhatsApp seems to be working on this feature. You will see all contacts from WhatsApp, you can also see yourself. Your name will be displayed as 'YOU' alongside the names of others. You can chat with yourself by tapping on that option.